Apostle Skills

Apostle Skills


Last Dood Standing

For 10s, cleaving a longer range. Double damage to slowed or stunned targets. Avatar hit takes 150% damage.

Mana: 2

Ice Cold Armor

For 10s, cleaving a longer range. Double damage to slowed or stunned targets. Avatar hit takes 150% damage.

Mana: 2

Flying Ax

Throws an ax dealing 50% ATK damage and slows enemies by 30% for 3s. Returns at max range, healing 50% of damage dealt.

Mana: 3

Leaping Bonk

Leaps, dealing 60% ATK damage. 50% bonus damage if target is slowed or stunned.

Mana: 2

Warhammer Smash

Ground strike deals 40% ATK damage, enemies slowed by 99% for 2.5s. Nearby enemies knocked aside and stunned for 1s.

Mana: 2

Thicc Lad

Targets enemy. Gains 26% damage reduction, but slows itself for 33% until next skill is played or target defeat.

Mana: 1

Welcome to the SLAM

Leaps, destroys shields, and deals 30% ATK damage. Shielded targets take 0% more damage and are stunned for 2s. Offering bonus increase damage.

Mana: 1

Hangry Yell

Taunts all for 1.5s, gaining 6% MaxHP shield for 5s.

Mana: 2


Got Your Back

Dashes to an ally, shields both for 208%DEF. If target is Avatar, shield strength and duration increase by 50%.

Mana: 2

Arm’s Length

For 6s, redirects 20% of nearby allies’ damage taken to Guardian as magic damage. Guardian gains 60% damage reduction.

Mana: 3

Castle Guard

Dashes to target location then taunts, entering the state of Unbreakable Castle. Gains a shield and blocks projectiles, but will get stunned for 4s if shield breaks.

Mana: 3

Judgement Day

Strikes 3 enemies for 200% ATK damage. Boosted by 10% per enemy, up to 50%. 150% damage on Avatar.

Mana: 3

Leaping Shield Bonk

Leaps, dealing 200% ATK damage and stunning for 2s.

Mana: 2

Prickly Personality

Slows, boosts DEF, RES, Vamp. Reflects 22% DEF damage to attackers.Offering Bonus increase duration.

Mana: 2

Baby Cage

Summons a cage at target location for 4s, and stunning enemies that hit the wall for 1s. Offering Bonus increase duration.

Mana: 2

Most Awesome Aegis

Shields allies for 9% of Target’s Max HP for 5s. Restores 25% of Guardian’s remaining shield as HP afterward.

Mana: 4